People who want to help Roane County students have several ways available through the Foundation:
* You may make a one-time donation.
* You may make regular contributions on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.
* You may make contributions in Honor of an individual, organization, or event.
* You may make contributions in Memory of an individual. Families are invited to establish a permanent fund for this purpose. (In Memory cards are available to present to the family of the deceased.)
* You may designate the Foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
* You may name the Foundation as a beneficiary in your will.
* You may give “appreciated assets” to the Foundation.
*Designate Roane County College Scholarship Foundation, Inc. to receive your Amazon Smiles
In each case, your gift is an authorized IRS tax deduction.
To donate with Pay Pal use "Donate" button at the top.
​For more information, contact Paul Hughes, President,
804 Summit Street, Spencer, WV 25276,
Phone 304-927-2319, or e-mail at